Sacred Mantras In Talk 8 of “Talks with Ramana Maharshi”, Sri Ramana Maharshi states that Sacred Mantras should not be taken casually, but that “one must be competent and initiated in such mantras”. There are reasons why a Sacred Mantra is dealt with so cautiously and selectively. One must be qualified To give a simple […]
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Category: Self Offering
Hinduism is a Way of Life
Hinduism is a Way of Life All true religions have good in them. I would to share with you the little knowledge I have about Hinduism. ~ Vasundhara Not a religion First of all, Hinduism is not a religion. It is a fusion of traditions and cultures of India. It is “Sanatana Dharma”, Eternal Righteous […]
Dealing with depression, lethargy
Dealing with depression, lethargy To start with, Pray to God or Guru sincerely to help you with your problems. Pray in general, Pray in particular, Pray at any time and anywhere you can remember. You will get Help. There is no doubt about it. Having said that, I would like to point out that […]
How come you came to me, Ramana?
How come you came to me, Bhagavan Ramana? Bhagavan Ramana, I don’t understand. How come You came to me? Having offered Your Wonderful Grace to Great Devotees, Sadhus, Monks and even great Swami’s, Saints and Yogis, I cannot understand at all how You even considered turning Your Merciful Glance towards me. Is it because You […]
Bait and Switch
Bait and Switch My dear Mind, When you become turbulent and self-conceited, you go by a fancy name called Ego. And when you are in this mode, I am really frustrated with you that you bait me about something at one time and then switch to a different thing later. And somehow you make […]
Significance of a Guru
Significance of a Guru All the Enlightened Sages teach the same thing, turn inward and learn how to lead the life in the world like rain drops on a lotus leaf, play your part in the world diligently because every one has been brought here into this world for a purpose, fulfill that purpose as […]
Why we need the Sages of India
Why we need the Sages of India The Guidance of Great Sages of India about Life and Meditation are Unique Vistas, beautiful paths toward attaining Peace of Mind and Happiness. The Real Peaceful and Serene Being is One residing in all, the Path is One, all that needs to be done is to realize this […]
Rain…rain…come back again…
Rain gives great Joy and Refreshment! [nggallery id=12] Oh, the beauty of Rain! When I was having a cup of coffee early morning, I heard this mild sound of thunder. When I heard it a little louder the next time, I wondered, can this be rain? Or is this a farce, a facade, a false […]
Pondering on Words of Wisdom
It is very useful to ponder upon at least one of the Golden Guidance Tips of Wisdom before starting the day’s activities. Pondering on these Mini Guides helps to make the day go Easier. It makes us see and take things with the right perspective. Gradually, it also adds longer lasting Peace of Mind. Bhagavan […]
Women in Scriptures and Teachings
Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water Whenever I wanted to refer to a Scripture or the Teachings of a Great Sage of India, for spiritual or practical guidance, I always found that women were given the least importance or priority. Whenever disagreeable things were advised to be shunned by devotees, it usually […]
God : With Form or Without Form?
God : With Form or Without Form? The Attributeless Being is the Highest Reality. So should we worship God only this way, or is it okay to worship God with a Form and Name? There are so many Gods and Goddesses, Forms, Names and Symbols and Attributes. Why? These baffling questions are probably raised in […]
Sages Say: Turn inward while active in t...
We don’t have to give up active living to turn inward. This is what the sages say. Everybody wants to be Happy! No matter what we do, good or bad, right or wrong, we only do it to be Happy. Most of the times, we mistake pleasures to be Happiness. But when we understand that […]