Chanting and Meditation – Sarada Devi Pray to the Lord to make your heart as pure as the star. As a result of sincere and regular Japa and Meditation you will find that the Lord will speak to you. All your desires will be fulfilled and you will experience pure bliss. The kundalini will awaken […]
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Category: Sri Sarada Devi Teachings
Spiritual Practices – Sarada Devi
Spiritual Practices – Sarada Devi Holy Mother: “Do you know the significance of japa and other spiritual practices? By these the power of the sense organs is subdued and the ties of past karma are cut asunder. But realization of God cannot be achieved without ecstatic love (prema bhakti) for Him.” Disciple: “But how can […]
Repeat the Name and Meditate – Sarada De
Repeat the Name and Meditate – Sarada Devi Repeating the name of God once, when the mind is controlled, is equivalent to a million repetitions when the mind is away from God. You may repeat the name for the whole day, but if the mind be elsewhere, that does not produce much result. The […]
Discrimination between real and unreal –
Discrimination between real and unreal – Sarada Devi Always discriminate (between the real and unreal). Whenever the mind goes after anything other than God, consider it as transient and surrender the mind at the sacred feet of the Lord. Be like the man who, while angling for fish, became so absorbed in it that […]
God is everywhere – Sarada Devi
God is everywhere – Sarada Devi God is everywhere. Does one get a faith by mere study of books? Too much reading creates confusion. Sri Ramakrishna used to say that one should learn from the scriptures that God alone is real and the world illusory. As you meditate you will realize that He who is […]
Take refuge in God – Sarada Devi
Take refuge in God – Sarada Devi Teachings of the Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi My child, this world is like a deep marshy place. Once a person gets entangled there, it becomes very difficult to come out. Repeat the name of God. If you do so, He will cut away your bondage some day. […]
May my mind be pure – Sarada Devi
May my mind be pure – Sarada Devi Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi, the Holy Mother Control of the Mind (Part 3) 21. “On moonlit nights I would look at the moon and pray, ‘May my mind be pure as the rays of the moon!’ or ‘O Lord, there are stains even on the moon, […]
Mind is everything – Sarada Devi
Mind is everything – Sarada Devi Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi, the Holy Mother Control of the Mind (Part 2) 11. “It is the nature of water to flow downwards, but the sun’s rays lift it up towards the sky. Likewise it is the very nature of the mind to go to lower things, to […]
Devotion and Self-Surrender – Sarada Dev
Devotion and Self-Surrender – Sarada Devi Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi, the Holy Mother As for those who depend upon God and have faith in Him, well, that itself is their spiritual practice, sadhana. God is one’s very own. It is an eternal relationship. One realizes Him in proportion to the intensity of one’s […]
Control of the Mind – Sarada Devi
Control of the Mind – Sarada Devi Teachings of Sri Sarada Devi, the Holy Mother Control of the Mind (Part 1) 1. “Everything depends on one’s mind. Nothing can be achieved without purity of mind. It is said, ‘The aspirant may have received the grace of the Guru, the Lord, and the Vaishnava; but he […]