Mind runs about too much Question: My mind runs about too much. I do not seem to get it under control! Answer: You describe a situation which every sincere seeker experiences at one time or another. This is mainly because you despair unncesessarily at the direction in which your mind is running at some point […]
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Category: Practical Tips for Meditation
Breath Regulation helps Meditation – Ram
Breath Regulation helps Meditation In the absence of enquiry and devotion, the natural sedative pranayama (breath regulation) may be tried. This is known as Yoga Marga. If life is imperilled the whole interest centres round the one point, the saving of life. If the breath is held the mind cannot afford to (and does not) […]
Divine Grace is Essential for Meditation...
Divine Grace is a powerful aid for Meditation The conversation turned upon the question as to whether Iswara Prasad (Divine Grace) is necessary for the attaining of samrajya (universal dominion) or whether a jiva’s honest and strenuous efforts to attain it cannot of themselves lead him to That from whence is no return to life […]
What is Meditation ? Expulsion of Though...
What is Meditation ? Expulsion of Thoughts. How? D.: What should one think of when meditating? M.: What is meditation? It is expulsion of thoughts. You are perturbed by thoughts which rush one after another. Hold on to one thought so that others are expelled. Continuous practice gives the necessary strength of mind to engage […]
Meditation: Get rid of unnecessary thoug...
Get rid of thoughts D.: I am a business man. How shall I get on with business and get peace of mind also? M.: This is also a thought. Give up this thought also and remain as your true Self. D.: It is said: Do your duty without any expectation of results. How shall I […]
Chanting, Meditation etc. of any use ? –
Chanting, Meditation etc. of any use ? – Nisargadatta Q: What is better — repetition of God’s name, or meditation? M: Repetition will stabilize your breath. With deep and quiet breathing vitality will improve, which will influence the brain and help the mind to grow pure and stable and fit for meditation. Without vitality little […]