Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verse 25 Quote 29 As the ignorant men act from attachment to action, Oh Bharata (Arjuna), so should the wise act without attachment, wishing the welfare of the world!
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Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verse 19
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verse 19 Quote 28 Therefore, without attachment, always perform action that should be done; for by performing action without attachment, man reaches the Supreme.
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verse 9
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verse 9 Quote 27 The world is bound by actions other than those performed for the sake of sacrifice (selfless actions). Therefore, O son of Kunti, perform action for the sake of sacrifice, for duty alone, free from attachment!
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verse 8
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 – Verse 8 Quote 26 Perform your bounden duty, for action is superior to inaction and even the maintenance of the body would not be possible for you by inaction.
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verses 6-7
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verses 6-7 Quote 25 Lord Krishna guides King Arjuna He who, restraining the organs of action, sits thinking of the sense-objects in mind, he of deluded understanding, is called a hypocrite. But whoever, controlling the senses by the mind, engages himself in Karma Yoga with the organs of action, without attachment, he […]
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verses 4-5
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 3 Verses 4-5 Quote 24 Lord Krishna guides King Arjuna By the non-performance of actions man does not reach actionlessness, nor by mere renunciation does he attain perfection. Indeed none can ever remain for even a moment without performing action; for, everyone is made to act helplessly indeed by the qualities born of Nature. […]
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 18
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 18 Bhagavad Geeta – Chapter 2 Lord Krishna’s Guidance to Arjuna Verses 64 and 65 The self-controlled man, moving amongst objects with the senses under restraint, and free from attraction and repulsion, attains peace. In that peace all pains are destroyed, for the intellect of the tranquil-minded soon becomes steady.
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 17
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 17 Bhagavad Geeta – Chapter 2 Lord Krishna’s Guidance to Arjuna Verses 62 and 63 When a man thinks of the objects, attachment to them arises; from attachment desire is born; from desire anger arises. From anger comes delusion; from delusion the loss of memory; from loss of memory the destruction of […]
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 16
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 16 Bhagavad Geeta – Chapter 2 Lord Krishna’s Guidance to Arjuna Verse 30 This, the Indweller in the body of everyone, is always indestructible, Oh Arjuna! Therefore, you should not grieve for any creature.
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 15
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 15 Bhagavad Geeta – Chapter 2 Lord Krishna’s Guidance to Arjuna Verse 29 One sees This (the Self) as a wonder; another speaks of It as a wonder; another hears of It as a wonder; yet, having heard, none understands It at all.
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 14
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 14 Bhagavad Geeta – Chapter 2 Lord Krishna’s Guidance to Arjuna Verse 28 Beings are unmanifested in their beginning, manifested in their middle state, Oh Arjuna, and unmanifested again in their end! What is there to grieve about?
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 13
Bhagavad Geeta Quote 13 Bhagavad Geeta – Chapter 2 Lord Krishna’s Guidance to Arjuna Verse 25 This (Self) is said to be unmanifested, unthinkable and unchangeable. Therefore, knowing This to be such, you should not grieve.