What are Advaita (Non-Duality), Bhakti (Devotion) & 7 planes of mind? – Ramakrishna Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Teachings What are Advaita (Non-Duality), Bhakti (Devotion) & 7 planes of mind? In the light of Vedantic reasoning, Brahman, the Supreme Reality has no attributes. The real nature of Brahman cannot be described. But so long as your individuality is […]
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Category: Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Teachings
Is there Free Will? Find out the “I” who
Is there Free Will? Find out the “I” who asks this question. – Ramakrishna Free Will The Master spoke about Free Will as follows. Visitor asked: Sir, have we any free will ? Master replied: Just try to find out who this ‘ I ’ is. While you are searching for‘ I’, ‘God’ comes out. ‘ […]
Can a householder realize God – Ramakris
Can a householder realize God – Ramakrishna Washing away the heart’s impurities with tears Visitor: Sir, is it ever possible to realize God while leading the life of a householder? Master: Certainly. But as I said just now, one must live in holy company and pray unceasingly. One should weep for God. When the impurities […]
Explanation of evil – Ramakrishna
Explanation of evil – Ramakrishna Questioner: Why does a man have sinful tendencies? Master: In God’s creation there are all sorts of things. He has created bad men as well as good men. It is He who gives us good tendencies, and it is He again who gives us evil tendencies. Questioner: In that […]
Getting out of the maze – Ramakrishna
Getting out of the maze – Ramakrishna God and His glory & Dangers of worldly life Master: “God and His glory. This universe is His glory. People see His glory and forget everything. They do not seek God, whose glory is this world. All seek to enjoy woman~and~gold. But there is too much misery […]
Four kinds of people – Ramakrishna
Four kinds of people – Ramakrishna Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa spoke: Men may be divided into four classes: those bound by the fetters of the world, the seekers after liberation, the liberated, and the ever-free. Among the ever-free we may count sages like Narada. They live in the world for the good of others, to teach men […]
How to deal with the wicked – Ramakrishn
How to deal with the wicked Devotee: “Sir, if a wicked man is about to do harm, or actually does so, should we keep quiet then?” Master: “A man living in society should make a show of tamas (forceful nature) to protect himself from evil-minded people. But he should not harm anybody in anticipation of […]
Marriage and Spouse – Ramakrishna
Marriage and Wife – Ramakrishna Sri Ramakrishna: “Pratap’s brother came here. He stayed a few days. He had nothing to do and said he wanted to live here. I came to know that he had left his wife and children with his father-in-law. He has a whole brood of them! So I took him […]
Holier than thou – Ramakrishna
Holier than thou – Ramakrishna Sri Mahendra Nath Gupta is familiary known to the readers of the “Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna” by his pen name M. He kept a diary of all his meetings and experiences with Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and later wrote them in a book. This first, full-fledged volume of the “Gospel” was published in Chennai […]
Keep away from the evil-minded – Ramakri
Keep away from the evil-minded – Ramakrishna Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa addressed his words particularly to a young man of nineteen, named Narendranath, who was a college student and frequented the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. His eyes were bright, his words were full of spirit, and he had the look of a lover of God. How […]
How to see God – Ramakrishna
How to see God – Ramakrishna M: (Mahendranath Gupta) “Is it possible to see God?” MASTER: “Yes, certainly. Living in solitude now and then, repeating God’s name and singing His glories, and discriminating between the Real and the unreal – these are the means to employ to see Him.” Longing and yearning M: “Under what […]
Devotion and Worldly Duties – Ramakrishn
Devotion and Worldly Duties – Ramakrishna Need of holy company & Meditation in solitude M. (Mahendranath Gupta) (humbly): “How, sir, may we fix our minds on God?” MASTER: “Repeat God’s name and sing His glories, and keep holy company; and now and then visit God’s devotees and holy men. The mind cannot dwell on God […]